Friday, July 12, 2013

Love One Another as Yourself

   "The second most important command is this: 'Love your neighbor as you love yourself.' " (Mark 12:31)
                               "Treat others as you would be like to treated." (The Golden Rule)
No one has ever seen God. But if we love each other, God lives in us. If we love each other, God's love has reached its goal. It is made perfect in us. (1 John 4:12)
It might be kind of hard to love one another equally, as yourself, even people who don't have clothes, or people who don't look like you, and people that believe different things than you do. If someone does believe something else than you do then just tell them what you believe and invite them to your church. It's very hard for kids who don't have a Mom or Dad or maybe they're Mom and Dad are divorced. Maybe there are bullies at your school. Get to know the bully at your school, maybe if you get to know him or her they might have some of the same interests as you or maybe you can find out why they don't like someone or maybe they are just hurting because they're Mom or Dad treats them badly just ask them whatever is on your mind or what you want to know about them. Sometimes some children drop out of school to get back at they're parents. Maybe if there is someone failing in your class talk to them and see if you could help them learn some of the things that you learn and maybe you can have a fun time getting to know them and stop them from bullying and then everything will be resolved and then you can start getting them to go to church and becoming a Christian. Well maybe there's someone who always sits in the back of the room and him or her is really shy she/he doesn't talk much someone that gets bullied a lot. Maybe you can become friend's with them. Love One Another as You Love Yourself. Maybe you were mean to someone at school. You should tell them you’re sorry and tell Him you’re sorry. If someone is rude to you or insults you any way just ignore it if it was rude. If you found it rude don't get them back or anything. I really need to follow my own rules don't I. Don't tell someone to not eat before they've blessed the food and then you go back and do the same thing. Like if you told your brother that it wasn't something Jesus would do and then go and do what he did. Or in another case if I went and wrote this blog post to you and then I just went and did the same thing that I wrote right here in my blog post. It's really hard not to but you know who does that to you it's satan. Just say no to satan and yes to Jesus and God. :):):):) Thanks for coming to my blog! :)

Sisterhood Daughterhood Dollhood

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