Monday, July 1, 2013

How to Make Silly Putty

Thanks so much for all the craft blogs who show me fun things to make! :) Here I am today showing you how to make Silly Putty.
What you'll need:
                                                       1/2 Teaspoon of Borax

                                                        1/4 Cup of Craft Glue

                                                           1/4 Cup of Water

                                                         1/4 Cup of Hot Water

                                                              Food Coloring
First you want to get a metal or glass bowl. (They work the best but you don't have to use them) Then put 1/4 cup of Craft Glue into the bowl, mix this well, then put in 1/4 of a cup of water (doesn't need to be hot or warm just cold), put in a couple drops of food coloring in the mixture. Then take 1/2 teaspoon of borax in a cup and 1/4 cup of hot water, pour the borax and hot water mixture into the glue, food coloring, and water. This should be like separating in funny but different ways. Once it's done mix it until you can pick it up without it being too too slimy. That's all! :) This craft is super easy and fun. (This does dry out if it is not sealed correctly in a ziplock bag!) :)

Sisterhood, Daughterhood, Dollhood

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