Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Doll Washer and Dryer

Hey! I want to share a quick tip of how to make an American Girl doll Washer and Dryer. I used a tissue box for the base and I cut a hole in the middle of the box and cut black paper in a circle to go around it and put a piece of tape on the circle then I put another piece of packaging take over the other piece of tape so if you put clothes in it they won't stick. Then you tape/glue the circle to the circle you cut out of the box. Then you can take little colored circle pieces of paper for knobs and buttons. For your dryer you could put a piece of black paper like a square for the door then you also could use little paper circles for knobs and buttons. Here's mine: 
For laundry baskets I found these adorable little baskets at Target in the "Dollar Section" two for a dollar. Here they are:
                                                                          With Clothes
                                                                       Without Clothes
         Also you can either easily blow water balloons up or use a tool to make little doll "Birthday Party" balloons since there are A LOT of birthdays in January and February!

Sisterhood Daughterhood Dollhood

Organization Tips

Hey!  I have been organizing some my room and I thought some of my organizing with you! First if you have a desk, window seat, bench, etc. and their is trinkets and lipgloss, etc. on it and you don't know what to do with it? Well I've taken an old storage box and used for all of those trinkets so the stuff is not all over my furniture. This is my box: 
You can place the box on a bookshelf, on top of a desk and wherever you chose!
                                                       I hope this idea helps you a little bit!


Sisterhood Daughterhood Dollhood

Friday, January 25, 2013


Have you ever heard of YOLO? Do you believe in it?  Don't!  It stands for You Only Live Once.  You live once but this is not technically what is used when you mean that you only live once you can make mistakes.  You can make mistakes but you need to make sure that you learn from those mistakes.  I think that God has given you a life and you should take it and use it wisely and learn about God, read the Bible and go to Church.   Also things that you have to watch out for is who you text, email and call, who you associate with, Do they go to Church? Do they believe in God?  Do they do things you NEVER would do?  If there is someone who is a bully to you at school or church, etc.  Pray for them!!!!  It's hard!  Like them be their friends.  I have a struggle with finding friends.  It's EASY!  Just ask people their interests!  Whatever your struggle with just pray and let God lead you to where you need to be. If your having a hard time at school or at your activities it's for the best!  I think that I have been a little mean lately.  Do you ever say to someone "I'm NEVER gonna talk to you again?" I think that a lot.  If they do something mean to you or you want them to do something for you and they don't just forgive them of their mistakes.  If they aren't doing anything wrong and it was you please ask them to forgive you.  Did you think of a VERY amazing "New Year's Resolution" this year? (such as read your bible go to church more eating healthier and keeping your body God's temple) Have you followed it??????? I haven't.  This is not just something we'll push of aside till next year. I'm STILL learning how to commit to commitments and change from my wicked ways. I've had lot's of practice!  Most of us HAVE to have to have practice but we need to act the way God would. If Adam and Eve hadn't have eaten that fruit we would not be in a world of sin. So we have to walk the tightrope WITHOUT falling off. We can wobble but we HAVE to try and not fall off. But therefore he took our suffering.  He is our Savior, King of Kings and he is the Lord of Lords. We should worship him and  obey his commands, follow his rules and be a leader and a follower of Jesus Christ but not only that we need to do what he tells us to do, read the Bible and go to church.  We are the sheep and he is the shepherd if we run away and almost get killed we learn NOT to go down that path again. We need to LEARN from our mistakes and take life seriously because we live in a bad world of suffering and sin. We need to act like we want to go to Heaven.  We need to be a REAL FOLLOWER of Jesus Christ. I've ALWAYS wanted this world of sin to be good and clean in the end. Like a fairytale. But life is NOT a fairytale it is more like battling the devil.  We don't want to let him get into our lives. We need him to go.


Sisterhood Daughterhood Dollhood

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

New Summer Program

Hey!  I've been writing some devotions for you guys!  The devotions will start on July 1st and will end on August 1st.  Well as you can see it's probably going to be a month program.  Hope that you'll like it!

Sisterhood Daughterhood Dollhood

Monday, January 7, 2013

Watch Your Actions!

Hey!  Today I started back to school!  I have a couple subjects I need to improve on!  Everyone does!  Today I have done a couple things I shouldn't have done during school.  Do you EVER feel like you are a little tiny person in this big world and you know that your not perfect but you just want to get a better grade? I feel that way A LOT!  The rest of the school year I'm going to try and use positive attitudes at school, listen  to the teacher and use lot's of manners to my teacher.  I'm waking up a little earlier than usual so before school I can read my bible, do my devotions, etc.  This works VERY well!  I did this this morning and I had a GREAT school day.  I will do this a lot!  Do it with me!  I'll be working on a devotion for you that we can do during Summer Break for boosters of encouragement!  Hope you'll read it with me!  Even though I write it I think I NEED some boosters of my own encouragement!  You Know!  Well I hope that you have a GREAT week, month, new year and I forgot something didn't I?  Have a blessed day!

Sisterhood Daughterhood Dollhood