Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry CHRISTmas

              Hey, Guys!  Hope you have a "Merry Christmas" and a Happy New Year!

Sisterhood Daughterhood Dollhood

Thursday, December 13, 2012

What Christmas is ALL about

Christmas is all about Jesus’ birth.  Some people have changed it ALL up and they think that CHRISTmas is all about presents, shopping and all the kids think that it’s ALL about presents and what they are going to get and when some kids do that their parents  have to get them that stuff and mostly all it is is iPod Touch, iPad, Kindle Fire.  We don’t WANT to be like that. Right? I would rather not get any presents.  But of course it is nice to give presents to friends.  It IS a time of giving but if you say you don’t want presents and you get some well that’s not you your Mom and Dad are being nice and giving you some anyway.  I’m not saying it’s BAD to get gifts or get gifts I’m just saying that most of the time were asking for gifts and toys and electronics and it takes US off of the focus about how Christ came and we are to celebrate!

Sisterhood Daughterhood Dollhood

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

12/4/2012 We need God devotional

 Mom looked up from her embroidery and asked, "Quinn, where is Matthew?" "I think he and his new friend went to basketball on their bikes." Quinn said as she put the last branch on the Christmas tree. "Okay. I think that's him at the door right now." Mom said. "I had the BEST time at basketball with my new friend." Matthew said. "Cool. I'm running to the store." Mom said.  "Okay I'm going to finish decorating for Christmas." Quinn said. "For Christmas?" Matthew asked. "Yeah." Quinn answered. " "Where's Baby Jesus and your manger scene?" Matthew asked. "I decided not to put them up this year." Quinn said. "But Jesus is why we celebrate. It's his birthday." Matthew said. "Maybe I should put them up. Thanks for making me realize how silly I was being." Quinn replied. "Your welcome." Matthew said.

                 I thought you would like to see Matthew and Quinn by their Christmas tree.
Sisterhood Daughterhood Dollhood

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Monday December 3, 2012

I'm SO excited for tomorrow!  Can you guess what it is? Not a holiday! No it's not my birthday! It's time to welcome Matthew and Quinn into the family! You know, WERE family!  Were ALSO going to start my new series "We need God". I'm SO excited!  Come back tomorrow!

Sisterhood Daughterhood Dollhood