Monday, August 5, 2013

Let's Live for God

Let’s live for God! Don’t live for satan or fake gods or anything else that is not God. Last night at church I saw what I didn’t want to be seeing. People were calling each other names, running around like chickens with their heads cut off, etc. We don’t want to give satan points in the game of life do we? We want God to win. I really want all of us to think before we speak and make sure whatever we are about to say is good, pure, and what Jesus would say. So know I’m saying WWJD (What Would Jesus Do) and your probably thinking oh my goodness why is she bringing that up when that’s just something old people thought of and blahsy blah blah. Yeah this might be childish to you but it’s not to me. People forget about this and they really shouldn’t. I was even sitting here asking myself. “What does this mean again?” Yeah yeah yeah. You’re guilty and you know it. No one can be perfect. But let’s try to be nice and let’s not try to be perfect but dare to be different in this “world”. I don’t even know why it’s even called a world anymore. Because everyone does not treat it how it should be treated. J Please do this with me for the rest of your life. Yes this is hard. But do it. Please.

Sisterhood Daughterhood Dollhood

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