Hey! I want to
share a quick tip of how to make an American Girl doll Washer and Dryer. I used
a tissue box for the base and I cut a hole in the middle of the box and cut
black paper in a circle to go around it and put a piece of tape on the circle
then I put another piece of packaging take over the other piece of tape so if
you put clothes in it they won't stick. Then you tape/glue the circle to the
circle you cut out of the box. Then you can take little colored circle pieces
of paper for knobs and buttons. For your dryer you could put a piece of black
paper like a square for the door then you also could use little paper circles
for knobs and buttons. Here's mine:
laundry baskets I found these adorable little baskets at Target in the
"Dollar Section" two for a dollar. Here they are:
With ClothesWithout Clothes
Also you can either easily blow water balloons up or use a
tool to make little doll "Birthday Party" balloons since there are A
LOT of birthdays in January and February!
Sisterhood Daughterhood Dollhood