Christmas is all about Jesus’ birth. Some
people have changed it ALL up and they think that CHRISTmas is all about
presents, shopping and all the kids think that it’s ALL about presents and what
they are going to get and when some kids do that their parents have to get them that stuff and mostly
all it is is iPod Touch, iPad, Kindle Fire. We don’t WANT to be like that. Right?
I would rather not get any presents. But
of course it is nice to give presents to friends. It IS a time of giving but if you say
you don’t want presents and you get some well that’s not you your Mom and Dad
are being nice and giving you some anyway. I’m not saying it’s BAD to get gifts
or get gifts I’m just saying that most of the time were asking for gifts and
toys and electronics and it takes US off of the focus about how Christ came and
we are to celebrate!
Sisterhood Daughterhood Dollhood